November 16, 2019

Skin Transformation (why I don't wash my face)

You might be thinking...what?! How can this be true? Isn't this the same gal selling facial care products! The truth is that I want the facial products to work optimally for your skin and from experience I know what worked BEST for my face. I use to suffer from inflamed red skin, cystic acne, eczema patches all over the corners of my nose, allergic skin reactions (hives and itching were a regular occurrence), and reddish bumps on the back of my arms. It made me feel less confident and frustrated. It seemed like no matter how much money I threw away on the most expensive, high end products, I still couldn't correct my skin. In fact, the more I spent, the worse it seemed to get! I complicated things and naively thought that a bigger price tag a fancy name brand meant better results.



I started to educate myself and learned that those "high end" brands were made with poor ingredients, chalked full of garbage (toxins and other fillers too difficult to pronounce). I realized I was paying top dollar for the label, marketing and extensive overhead costs that big companies have to shell out. The smallest part of what I was actually paying for was the ingredients used... How backwards does that seem?? So, first I started buying natural products with healthy ingredients and noticed a skin improvement. Not too long after that, I started to formulate and test my very own recipes made with the most premium ingredients Mama Nature has to offer. I got really good at perfecting the recipes and before long my skin was 100% different than it used to be. I didn't take pictures of my face when it was at it's worst and so the picture above doesn't showcase the true skin change.

Flash forward to today and I have not purchased a product for my body or my face in years and I now no longer have ANY of my previous skin issues, unless I occasionally indulge in dairy (which triggers acne).

The Facial Ritual Kit, is the end result of what worked for me.  Using this kit is the trick to effectively break the viscous cycle of stripping your facial skin of all the healthy oils with harsh face washes, followed by your skin then having to respond by producing an excess amount of oil to make up for it. Below is a NO MAKE UP SELFIE taken at 34 years old.

I use to think that simply washing my face with water in the morning would mean I would have even worse skin conditions than I was already suffering from. Interestingly enough, when I started to rinse my face with warm water in the morning, followed by simply applying the Facial Toning Elixir and Organic Facial Serum, my skin dramatically improved! And I mean big time! It is like it literally became younger looking and feeling. Allowing my skin to rebalance itself required letting the natural producing skin sebum to do it's thing. Applying a harsh morning face wash can strip your skin of the healthy amount of sebum and then kickstart that viscous cycle leading to acne and/or dry skin.

I still do use (about 2 times a week) a very gentle and hydrating skin cleanser as a base to mix the masks and polishes when I apply them. This is called the Hydrate & Cleanse (mask & polish base). Other than that, it is plain old warm water with a wash cloth for me followed by the Facial Toning Elixir and Organic Facial Serum in the morning and before bedtime. If you are worried about how to remove your makeup (and any excess dirt and grime) effectively at night time, I suggest removing as much as your can with a warm wash cloth and then applying a few dabs of coconut oil to the mascara residue around your eyes. Then spray the Toning Elixir onto a cotton pad and gently rubbed across the entire face, neck and eye area. This very effectively tightens pores, removes dirt, excess oil, all makeup and leaves the skin with a luminous glow. Follow this step up with a couple drops of the Organic Facial Serum and Bam! ...Radiant & Glowing Skin!

Check out the Facial Ritual Skin Kit here!

This Facial Ritual Kit turns your facial care routine into a sacred self love & care ritual that is truly enjoyable! This ultimate green beauty kit covers the entire facial protocol. The products in this line work synergistically with each other to ensure r e s u l t s.

November 04, 2019

VLOG: 7 UNIQUE Ways to Add Crystal + Gemstone Energy To Your Home To Feel Great

7 UNIQUE Ways to Add Crystal & Gemstone Energy To Your Home To Feel Great

1. Add gemstone (non-toxic) directly into a nebulizer (where you put water and essential oils). Consider making your own gemstone essences and add the liquid essence/tincture in replace of the crystal. You can add toxic stones but only if you make them into an essence via the indirect method!

2. Add gemstone (essence or actual crystal if non-toxic) to your bedroom humidifier - today I added shungite and carnelian!

3. Add gemstone (essence or actual crystal if non-toxic) to your bath water 

4. Add gemstones throughout your home (office, bedroom, bathroom, living room and even kitchen windowsill)

5. Add essences under your tongue or spray over your body and head to permeate your aura (great to do before meditation or after a long day around energy-draining people)

6. Add gemstone (essence or actual crystal if non-toxic) directly to your drinking water (I have been drinking citrine, larimar and clear quartz water for a few months)

7. Add gemstone (essence or actual crystal if non-toxic) to your homemade cleaning products!

Hope you enjoy the video!  Crystal healing and a TON more is all taught in Elevate Your Life - a transformational journey for women wanting more! Details at:

October 23, 2019


Hope you enjoy this video which will offer you a mindset kick in the pants to stop caring what other people will think (and allowing THAT to be the reason you play it "safe" in life).

If this video inspired you & you are ready (and excited) to take the next step on your inspired vision for life, you are invited to book a Clarity Connection Call here with myself or the Team.

You can also catch ALL the Livestreams inside the private FB community, High Vibin' Soulpreneurs here.

October 18, 2019

[VLOG] Why Your Value Has Nothing To Do With Your Money

Hope you enjoyed this mindset overhaul video! Be sure to try the quick 2 column exercise to shift your own perspective on just how insanely valuable YOU ARE!

Click here to attend a Free Training for Soul-Led Visionary Women Who Want to Create Inner Clarity & Forward Momentum On Their Purpose.

September 27, 2019

[NEW VLOG] Go From Feeling Stuck & Unsure to Feeling Excited & Confident In Your Life!

Welcome to the livestream that will share a quick 5 step process that will get you unstuck in less than 15 minutes! 
If you'd like to watch this video on FB, simply click here. If you'd like to watch on youtube, click the video below!👇🏻

Step One: Gaining awareness on how you feel now and clarifying how you want to feel moving forward - (typically the antonym). The contrasting feelings you are experiencing that aren’t enjoyable. The opposite feelings you’d experience to your contrasting ones. Inspired Actions you can take to support your clarified desired feelings

Step Two: Make peace with your less than desirable feelings - when you don’t feel amazing, know that it’s okay! Don’t beat yourself up for feeling a lower vibe (frequency) feeling but instead comfort yourself and say “of course I feel this way” and “now I get to choose again.” This is becoming a conscious creator in your life. Having awareness regarding the way you feel empowers you forward.

Having contrast show up in your life is just as valuable as the good stuff… why? Well. it’s through the contrast of what what we don’t want to experience or feel; that we LEARN and get clear on what it is we do WANT to experience and feel.

This empowers you to keep sculpting your life in a way that is reflective of what means the most to you. This is what brings clarity to you so that you do know what inspired actions to take. The more you do this, the more your confidence grows and Grows & GROWS!

Step Three: Strengthening & trusting your Intuition - then taking inspired action from there (use the contrast of what you don’t want as the fuel/ammunition to move you forward faster toward what you actually desire to experience). How to trust it? It’s the gut response that surpasses thought, it feels exciting and sometimes scary but in a thrilling kind of way. You want to move toward it - it feels warm and inviting.

Step Four: Create space to follow the breadcrumb trail (curiosities, joy pursuits, fun) - this could mean time blocking it in to ensure it happens. This means so no to a lot more than you’re used to. When you say yes to everyone else, you’re simultaneously saying no to your needs. Give yourself permission to follow the breadcrumb trail and trust wherever it leads you, is going to be really, really good!

Step Five: Make the decision you will be successful and commit to yourself to ensure follow through. Time block it in, Make your inspired actions non-negotiables in your schedule. Just like you’d book a dentist appt. Book in your inspired actions. Nothing changes if nothing changes so in order for excitement, confidence and clarity to come to you, you must make shifts & changes to your current routine.


✨Looking for a way to up-level your life & business and stay consistent with your goals and remodelled mindset?

✨You may be the right fit for the ELEVATE, High-Level Mastermind. Details here & applications being accepted over the next 30 days.

✨Applications are found here if you this appeals to your unique goals.


July 29, 2019

[NEW VLOG] My Date From Hell....

Be sure to read all the way to the bottom - where you'll also find a quick livestream I recorded that was inspired by my "date from hell."

So I once went on a date from hell. It was horrible start to finish. I mean everything this jerk could do wrong, he did! From the time he picked me up, he made me feel insecure about myself. He had the audacity to tell me he’s surprised that I am wearing shorts since my thighs rubbed up against each other. He actually said they’d look better if I had a thigh gap. I am embarrassed to admit this, but I still went out with him that night.

At dinner he made a remark about how much food I ate in comparison to him. He remarked, “boy, you sure have an appetite” when he saw how much I ate compared to him. He made me feel ashamed, like I shouldn’t have eaten as much as I did. Maybe I should have pretended to be full sooner?

On the way home, I started to tell him about my heart-centred dream in which I was embarking on. Half way through telling him about it, he cut me off and said “I don’t think that is going to work, that seems to far-fetched and out there.” He made me shrink back into my seat, feeling foolish for even entertaining my idea and thinking it could become my reality.

When you dropped me off at my house, I spilled the contents of my purse into a puddle as I was exiting his car. Rather than support me, and help me gather my items back up, he criticized me and got annoyed at me for the accident.

Clearly this person was very critical of me. He pointed out flaws that he saw in my body. He made me feel guilty for eating the amount of food I did at dinner. He pointed out reasons my inspired idea was silly & never going to work. He even cast unnecessary judgement at me for making a simple mistake. He was a bully. Clearly, any woman with a right mind would NEVER go out on a date with him again.

Now what if I told you, this man does not exist and it was a story to showcase how one's ego and inner dialogue of thoughts can bombard a person with criticism. Not only on a single occasion, but every single day!

I felt guided to create this story today to show the woman reading this how unfair she often is on herself. How her biggest enemy is never someone else but her own inner critic & thoughts.

I wrote this to make it clear to you that if you wouldn’t consider spending more time with a man that was this mean to you, why on earth would you subject yourself to this same kind of treatment, criticism and judgement from yourself?

Radical self love and care means you have to make it your duty to treat yourself with love and kindness - not just on the outside through actions, but often, more importantly - ON THE INSIDE through your thoughts. Remember, you deserve to treat yourself the way you would expect a romantic partner to.

I hope this post struck a cord and made you really think and assess the way you speak to yourself. I recorded this quick livestream on 3 Warning Signs Your Self-Care Could Be Self-Harming. It was inspired by the massive feedback I received from women sharing just how guilty they are of mean self-talk.

If you'd like to catch these videos live, you're welcome to join High Vibin' Soulpreneurs here.

Looking for private mentorship? Book a complimentary connection call here to learn more with a highly trained member of my team.

July 19, 2019

13 Essential Steps To Become a Masterful Online Coach or Mentor & Get Incredible Client Results

In this week's FB Live inside High Vibin' Soulpreneurs, we dive deep on the most essential steps to be the BEST COACH possible to your online clients so that they can get the best results working with you!

1. Dial up your A game 30 mins prior - that means do not schedule back to back calls so that you can recharge and reset between calls (use washroom, read last week's notes, eat a snack and hydrate). Unfortunately 55 min/call coaches, who schedule back to back clients at the top of the hour, often show up late to their clients & are clearly drained.

2. Listen a LOT and practice Motivational Interviewing (have them discover the answer from within instead of shoving it down their throat).

3. Have a plan in place that will move them forward toward their goal - don’t just talk about it but figure out the next best action steps each week - break it down into manageable pieces for them.

4. Do your Self Care, consistently, and make decisions that support your happiness & joy (because this frequency is higher (process of entrainment via LOA effects your client's own vibration). Be sure to exercise frequently, eat healthy and make sleep a priority.

5. Come with tons of water (triple what you think you'll need for call).

6. Be impeccable with your word and super organized - you can’t be hot mess - that is a disservice to your client investing in you and trusting you with their transformation.

7. Take notes CONSTANTLY- make sure you know what is going on and never ever show up unprepared.

8. Email your client the agreed upon "stretches" each week after your call to keep them accountable to their goals and moving forward.

9. Follow up with them on their stretches goals & don't be scared to remind them of why they hired you (many coaches don't even think about this and then their clients end up with no results).

10. Empower them to rise but don’t twist their arms - accountability and follow through is learned THROUGH working with a coach - if you don’t allow them to step up to the plate you disempower them.

11. Lead by example - practice what you preach!!!

12. Set boundaries - they will respect you 10x more and value your time 10x more if you do (that means set hours for your work and terms written into your client contracts regarding no-show or cancellations).

13. Be a relatable human - never try to present you have it all figured out. Be kind, compassionate & honest. If you can, throw in some humour, too!

If you're curious to learn more about my past client graduate testimonials, click here!
If you've been considering mentorship in your life and/or business journey, I would love to learn more about you and explore if we are a match for when space opens back up. Simply book a complimentary connection call here to learn more (these take place with a member of my team).
XO Christine 
July 09, 2019

[NEW VLOG] 3 Ways to Build a Soul-Driven Business You Are Obsessed With (& avoid having your idea fall flat))

In today's FB LIVE (inside High Vibin' Soulpreneurs which you can join for free here) I share on 3 Ways To Build a Soul-Driven Business You Are Obsessed With (& avoid having it fall flat and peter out before it even gets started)

Step 1: Your priority is to get clarity on your passions (also known as what energizes you with a burning, unrelenting desire to dedicate your TIME, ENERGY, ATTENTION & INTENTION ON because where energy goes things expand). If you try to create a business on a topic you like (but don’t have an insatiable desire to work on), your inspiration tank will run dry and run out of fuel to stay committed & consistent.

So many women try to build businesses on what they think the public will want or what is “popular” versus what THEY are actually most energized (passionate) about. Think about what you like versus what you can’t keep away from doing.

Step 2. Once you have clarity on what is actually burning in your heart and soul to do, you can THEN take aligned action that will move more mountains in your business than un-aligned action coming from panic, fear, or need for money.

3. Step 3. Give yourself permission to break the mold. You can create a concept that literally has never been done before - in fact, if you have an idea that is so out there, the odds are it is you MEANT to bring that audacious idea to life, period.

A KEY OUTCOME of enrolling in Elevate Your Life is that you gain clarity and confidence in your unique soul-driven purpose and an exact road map to get you to where you want to go - yes in a fulfilling career path, but also an ideal relationship, rock solid self-love & obliterated subconscious blocks to success.

Enrolment has been full since May but opens back up mid-October!

If this piques your interest, you can book a complimentary connection call with a team coach here. 

Wishing you the best day with heaps of love & joy!



June 14, 2019

[NEW VLOG] 3 Ways To Start Attracting Your Soulmate & Stop Painful Karmic Relationships

In today's vlog we talk about 3 ways you can start attracting what you ACTUALLY WANT & deserve in a romantic relationship.

The steps described in the video are:

  1. CLARITY & getting clear on what you want - otherwise you will attract a mish mash and be left wondering why you’re not happy with the relationship - I suggest writing down a list of the top 21 desirable qualities of the love of your life.
  2. SELF ASSESSMENT  - are you BEING the qualities you desire? Are you loving and respectful to yourself? Are you kind to yourself (inner dialogue check), or are you feeling shame, guilt, blame or lack of confidence?
  3. SETTING NEW STANDARDS/BOUNDARIES with what you’re available for - it is time to stop setting the bar lower with what you actually want and not settling for less (because what you say yes to is what you will get more of!)

Good luck and happy manifesting!

PS> if you enjoyed this training, be sure to join High Vibin Soulpreneurs every Wedneday night where and when the Livestreams take place!

June 07, 2019


Why are so many women gripped by Fear when it comes to becoming Visible in their business? Why is the very idea of Self-promotion keeping women with dreams paralyzed from doing what they are meant to do?

Hope you enjoy this training which starts at 3:20 :) You can catch ALL the Livestreams inside the private FB community, High Vibin' Soulpreneurs here.

I believe there are 3 Big Reasons:

1. Fear of judgement from others.

Why are women scared of being judged? Because less acceptance means less love and not being part of the group → which leads to loneliness/isolation. Now, we all want to be loved and accepted… but holding back on our dreams is actually an unloving act on OURSELVES. How can we attract love and acceptance from others if we are not yet able to fully love and accept ourselves and our purpose-based businesses?

Your business does not exist out of greed - you’re a Lightworker on a mission to spread positivity and uplifting messages to the world.. People need what you have to share!! Sharing CONSISTENTLY and being more vocal is what will ACTUALLY attract more people to YOU that do love and accept you- and who don’t mind that you sell and promote regularly.

2. Fear of being annoying and taking up too much space.

Really? What now is actually wrong with you repeating your message and taking up space online and in person? Do you have less right to be vocal than other women? Do you believe the Divine made some people more worthy to take up space online and you are just not one of them? Stop letting this lie dictate your success because the truth is..

The MORE you share, show up and tell people about what you do and how it is awesome, the more success will come to you. I have sold out Elevate Your Life every single season since I launched.. and it is because I keep showing up and sharing and telling the world about it. I am proud of what my mentorship and program provides women and my consistency with my message (AND SERVICES) is what is getting me the 6 figure results each & every year.

3. Fear of failure.

Think about it, if you try with just 50% of what you know you're capable of, then it’s not a true failure if it doesn’t work now is it? Imagine giving your 100% effort and being fully committed - meaning showing up every day to IG, FB, your email list, and never throwing in the towel.. and then what if, after all that, it STILL DOES NOT WORK? That concept is too painful for many women to bare and so they never fully commit and do what IS NECESSARY.

This now brings us to the concept of the Inverted Pyramid of Success - the phases involved and how you can move through into the 3% margin of women. This is explained in the video above!!

Hugs & wishing you massive success,

xo Christine 

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