In today's vlog we talk about 3 ways you can start attracting what you ACTUALLY WANT & deserve in a romantic relationship.
The steps described in the video are:
Good luck and happy manifesting!
PS> if you enjoyed this training, be sure to join High Vibin Soulpreneurs every Wedneday night where and when the Livestreams take place!
Hope you enjoy this training which starts at 3:20 :) You can catch ALL the Livestreams inside the private FB community, High Vibin' Soulpreneurs here.
I believe there are 3 Big Reasons:
Why are women scared of being judged? Because less acceptance means less love and not being part of the group → which leads to loneliness/isolation. Now, we all want to be loved and accepted… but holding back on our dreams is actually an unloving act on OURSELVES. How can we attract love and acceptance from others if we are not yet able to fully love and accept ourselves and our purpose-based businesses?
Your business does not exist out of greed - you’re a Lightworker on a mission to spread positivity and uplifting messages to the world.. People need what you have to share!! Sharing CONSISTENTLY and being more vocal is what will ACTUALLY attract more people to YOU that do love and accept you- and who don’t mind that you sell and promote regularly.
Really? What now is actually wrong with you repeating your message and taking up space online and in person? Do you have less right to be vocal than other women? Do you believe the Divine made some people more worthy to take up space online and you are just not one of them? Stop letting this lie dictate your success because the truth is..
The MORE you share, show up and tell people about what you do and how it is awesome, the more success will come to you. I have sold out Elevate Your Life every single season since I launched.. and it is because I keep showing up and sharing and telling the world about it. I am proud of what my mentorship and program provides women and my consistency with my message (AND SERVICES) is what is getting me the 6 figure results each & every year.
Think about it, if you try with just 50% of what you know you're capable of, then it’s not a true failure if it doesn’t work now is it? Imagine giving your 100% effort and being fully committed - meaning showing up every day to IG, FB, your email list, and never throwing in the towel.. and then what if, after all that, it STILL DOES NOT WORK? That concept is too painful for many women to bare and so they never fully commit and do what IS NECESSARY.
This now brings us to the concept of the Inverted Pyramid of Success - the phases involved and how you can move through into the 3% margin of women. This is explained in the video above!!
Hugs & wishing you massive success,
xo Christine
Can you feel it? There is an uprising of women who have been awakened and now left questioning the status quo & if there could be something more than what they have been experiencing. That said, there is still some resistance (from others) with women being able to step up and into their power. This often comes from people who don't understand why you want more out of life. They say things like:
If any of these questions struck a cord inside your heart, there’s a very good chance you are the kind of woman meant to enrol in Elevate Your Life (Transformational 16 Week Journey that Catapults Already Successful Women into the 1% of the 1%). It is for women willing to give themselves permission to dream big and be open to believing they are deserving and worthy of having their deepest desires, unique to them, come true. Yep, it’s not for everyone and not for women scared of what others will think. It’s for bad-ass lightworkers, with hearts of gold, who believe their crazy-audacious dreams do matter and can come to life!🙌🏻💥 If you'd like to learn more, feel free to book a connection call here with a member of the team. |
In this new video, you will learn: How to Find & Heal Subconscious Patterns Limiting Success In Your Life (my brain injury, addiction, divorce & catfishing example). I hope you enjoy!
If you'd like to sign up for the upcoming live training (5 Ways To Elevate Your Life, Master the Law of Attraction & Feel More Joy, Ease & Freedom), you can right here.
This free training will provide you essential steps to up-level your life but also (at the end) more details on what the Signature Program, Elevate Your Life, provides to women around the world every year.
Saturn goes retrograde now until mid-September!
If this post caught your eye, it is probably because you've heard about Mercury Retrograde, which has a bad rap in mainstream media these days. Well, this post is to assure you that when Saturn goes retrograde there is nothing to fear! It is also important to clarify that this is not the same as when "Saturn Returns." That is a whole different ball game which you can learn about here.
The reason this planetary retrograde is favourable for us is that it triggers us to dive a little deeper and explore what it is that our soul truly yearns for us to do, be and experience in this lifetime. When this retrograde cycle comes around it lasts about 4 months at which time we are given an opportunity for self-discovery and contemplation.
This delicious period literally speeds up the rate at which we can discover and unlock our purpose in this life or incarnation. This is the period to rediscover who you truly are, go deeper & remember and apply why you are here.
If you've been feeling a little lost lately or out of sorts, then this is your time to go within so that by August you come out feeling sparkly and bright, connected and aligned to what you are truly meant to do. Introspection, journaling, alone time (especially in nature) is excellent during this time. If it is difficult to find alone time or get outside, trying bringing nature's elements to you. You can do this by working with healing crystals (placing in your pockets, holding during meditation or reading or wearing as jewelry). Essential oils (sourced from the plant kingdom) are also great to accompany you. Diffusing or nebulizing them in your home is a sure fire way to bring Mama Nature's healing energy into your home.
So I hope you feel excited to hear of this planetary cycle and look forward with eagerness to where you'll be and how you'll feel come August! This is also an incredibly powerful and effective time to enrol in a self development course or study group. I have created a Signature 16 Week Program called Elevate Your Life (and become an energetic match to your deepest desires & wildest dreams).
This program is for you, if you've done what what society expected of you, and despite that, you are:
EYL Signature Coaching System unlike anything else on the market. It is a truly unique & multi-faceted approach to reaching high levels of success & fulfillment. This offering takes you through a step-by-step sequence, with key milestones, which will unleash & activate your highest potential. Although an effective system is in place, there is also flexibility & flow to ensure service is custom-tailored to your unique needs. This signature sequence ensures you move through & experience positive transformation so that you leave feeling wildly obsessed with life (& elevated to your new energy set point or vibrational frequency). Once this happens, your life will just keep getting better and better. The sky is the limit with no goal too big or out of reach.
Enrollment hits max capacity every single season & now includes a LIVE in-person mastermind event I host for the Super-Tribe of women I work with!
If this excites you, feel free to explore the price tiers here.
You can also email me at and ask me more questions if you like. This year's enrollment has 2 tiers including a group mentorship and private VIP mentorship, pending your needs:)
Does wealth want to live here?? Now what does this mean exactly?
First we must view wealth as a thing - let’s even give it a name to make it feel like a living and breathing entity.
Remember - EVERYTHING is energy - that is why i call money - MONERGY!
We are energetic/vibrational beings too - so is wealth.
Now our work is to become more and more a vibrational match to wealth.
Yes there are TONS of ways to do this (why I have a 6 week course this summer, called Abundant Boss Queen) but for today let’s keep it simple, easy, fun… and action orientated.
Step one: Think back to childhood - did you have rich friends? Poor friends? What did the homes FEEL like in the wealthy family homes? What did they feel like in the poor families?
Was there a trend - were the poor families often more messy, unorganized and cluttered?
Were the rich families more clean, put together and organized?
I know for me, being the poor family, mine was a messy home, often cluttered with stuff and irregularly cleaned. I was especially mortified by my front yard and fence which was absolute chaos (weeds everywhere, the lawn never mowed, the paint peeling off the extremely old fence).
My friends with families with money always had nice yards and a welcoming energy to their home. It felt safe, peaceful and flowey to walk inside. They smelled good too!
What does this imply? Money and wealth like to be invited into homes with a certain kind of energy that FEELS nice - a higher frequency.
Step 2: What you can do to shift the energy to say "come on in wealth, I am happy to host you"
Did you enjoy this? You can catch ALL the Livestreams inside the private FB community, High Vibin' Soulpreneurs right here!
Let's Connect More + Freebies You Will Love :)
ELEVATE YOUR LIFE: Transformational Program For Women Wanting More [details here]
SOULPRENEUR JUMPSTART: Intensive for new coaches who want a successful business with consistent clients [details here]
INSTAGRAM: @bodycherish & @christine_nicole_coaching
PINTEREST: bodycherishspiritualcoaching
In this video we dive into why you need to throw you childhood plans & timeline for love out the window and make space for a better plan .. and why too many people settle for "good" but not great (blocking The One from showing up). These concepts and MUCH MORE are covered in:
Elevate Your Life {transformational journey for women wanting more}:
I had the pleasure of recently being interviewed by Alexi Panos, where we dive deep on why I created Elevate Your Life & who it is meant to serve. Hope you enjoy!
In this video, I decided to be more vulnerable and transparent than I have ever been before with regards to my experience with alcohol addiction, which runs through my family tree.
You see, I feel it is so easy us to show the world how great life is now but not enough people ACTUALLY share about what is was like before it got good. They may summarize it into a single sentence but don't give you the details of what actually took place to support their positive transformation.
..and that is why, in this video, I take you on the journey with me, from where I was (hanging out in rock bottom with a carpet imprint on the side of my face) and what steps were taken to move me into my new (best!) chapter of my life.
I am now in my dream life, submerged fully in my soulpreneur career & higher purpose, in the best health & fitness of my life, in union with my soulmate and {most importantly}, feeling radical self-love for who I am & have become in this humbling experience of addiction.
I share this backstory to inspire someone who needs a reminder that there is always room and opportunity to overhaul your life in an amazing way. It was not too long ago I was in my rock bottom feeling so far away from everything that is now my new normal. If it is possible for me, it is 100% possible for you too.
Hugs & I believe in you,