I personally developed all 10 of these signs over the course of going from social drinker (just having fun) to it causing harm in my life. I am now 6 years sober, happy and FREE!
00:00 - Intro
00:51 - My Backstory (realizing I was addicted and my journey to get sober)
04:51 - 1st Sign (leaning/relying on alcohol to self soothe stress or emotional pain)
06:46 - 2nd Sign (using alcohol for confidence in social interactions)
08:53 - 3rd Sign (starting to use it solo at home without anyone)
15:13 - 4th Sign (waking up the next day in a lower emotional state, with feelings of guilt or shame)
17:35 - video freezes until 24 : 28
18:11 - 5th Sign (disassociating your drunk behaviour from you to bypass accountability)
21:00 - How much I was drinking when I quit
22:18 - 6th Sign (looking for outings that justify drinking alcohol - to feel less guilty about solo use)
23:37 - 7th Sign (intentionally surrounding yourself with people who have same lifestyle & habits)
24:28 - video unfreezes!
24:30 - lack of awareness an entire, amazing, high vibe world of people existed out there beyond the paradigm I was suffering in
25:00 - why you may have to let go of friend groups to succeed and flourish
25:45 - facing your CHOICE POINT and trusting new people will show up
26:59 - 8th Sign (hiding evidence you drink - a tell tale sign of true addiction)
28:28 - 9th Sign (a urge to have more once your start from a physiological stand point)
29:30 - 10 Sign (creating "rules" in your head about your use is part of the addiction and mental f*ckery)
32:00 - slippery slope of "moderating" versus just quitting & freeing yourself fully
36:00 - finding FREEDOM (6 years sober)!!!
37:14 - what's next (invite to training to support your journey)
37:45 - 5 Powerful Steps To Get or Stay Sober or Moderate Usage
38:20 - The Cravings Disappear!!
39:10 - 7 myths about booze
If you are navigating feelings of isolation with your alcohol journey, ⚠️YOU ARE NOT ALONE⚠️and it is not your fault.
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Christine Nicole