What is a chakra and how does it work?

You may have heard about the chakras but aren't totally clear on what exactly they are and how they work.  You can think of the chakras like energy centres of the of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. It is these bodies that are thought of as part of the subtle body.  A chakra is an energy point (or node) in the subtle body versus the physical body.  You can picture a chakra as a funnel shaped energy centre (or vortex) that corresponds with many meridian points and nerve bundles in the human body.

There are different ways a person can open, clear and balance their chakras.  In fact, each chakra resonates with different foods, colours, sounds/music, mantras, activities, yoga poses, affirmations, and essential oils and crystals from the plant and elemental kingdoms.

There are many chakras in the subtle human body but there are seven primary chakras that are often considered to be the most important ones.

1st (Root) Chakra: This is located at the base of the spine and the corresponding colour is red. When balanced, it will bring about good health, feeling grounded, safe and secure; prosperous  and when unbalanced or closed it will bring about feelings of insecurity, fear, financial difficulties, depression, boredom and lethargy. Physically, an unbalanced root chakra will bring about dry, pale, blotchy skin.

2nd (Sacral) Chakra: This is located just below the navel  and the corresponding colour is orange. When balanced, it will bring about feelings of pleasure, increased creativity & enthusiasm and healthy sex drive, and when unbalanced or closed it will bring about feelings of guilt, shame, depression, mood swings and addictive tendencies . Physically, an unbalanced sacral chakra will bring about lower back pain, puffiness and bloating.

3rd (Solar Plexus) Chakra: This is located at the stomach region and the corresponding colour is yellow. When balanced, it will bring about healthy emotions and a zest for life, abundance, stability, courage and personal power and when unbalanced or closed it will bring about feelings of decreased self worth, shorter temper, increased aggression and stubbornness. Physically, an unbalanced solar plexus chakra will bring about puffiness, bloating, mid-back pain and unhealthy cravings.

4th (Heart) Chakra: This is located at the heart/chest region and the corresponding colour is green. When balanced, it will bring about feelings of compassion, connection, empathy, happiness, peace & love and when unbalanced or closed it will bring about feelings of rejection, jealousy, codependency and a tendency to be withdrawn & critical/judgemental. Physically, an unbalanced heart chakra will bring about a pasty complexion and poor circulation.

5th (Throat) Chakra: This is located at the throat and the corresponding colour is blue. When balanced, it will bring about open expression and truthful communication and when unbalanced or closed it will bring about feelings of shyness or difficulties with appropriate communication & listening skills. Physically, an unbalanced throat chakra will bring about stress, fatigue and thyroid challenges.

6th (Third Eye) Chakra: This is located at the point of your forehead above and between your eyebrows and the corresponding colour is indigo. When balanced, it will enhance intuition, imagination, insight and intellect and when unbalanced or closed it will bring about impaired concentration, memory, thinking abilities and disrupted sleep. Physically, an unbalanced third eye chakra will bring about headaches, hormonal changes and depression.

7th (Crown) Chakra: This is located above the head and the corresponding colour is violet (or white).  When balanced, it will bring about a deepened spirtual connection and increased wisdom and open-mindedness and when unbalanced or closed it will bring about feelings of separateness, fear of death and cynisim. 

Overall, chakra balancing and healing allows for many benefits, including the following:

-deep relaxation & improved sleep

-calming your mind and thoughts & reduced anxiety

-subtle emotional shifts

-increased energy

-deepened spiritual insights

-elevation of mood & release of negative emotion

-pain reduction

For ladies enrolled in Elevate Your Life, (a transformational life & business journey that ensures you literally become an energetic match to your deepest desires), you also receive a monthly treatment of Reiki, Archangel healing (includes cord cutting), a customized crystal healing grid & angel card reading & overall chakra balancing. Click here to learn more about this Signature Program.

Christine Nicole
Christine Nicole
