1:1 PRIVATE MENTORING (Quantum Catalyst Coaching)

Curious about the 1:1 Mentoring (Quantum Catalyst Coaching) to support you get unstuck & successfully (even joyfully) embark on your next chapter with confidence & enthusiasm?  Learn more here! and we can schedule a 15 minute chat:)

Some areas of focus for 1:1 transformational mentoring include (but it is really customized to whatever you need): 

  • Dream bigger and set a "larger container of possibility" for my life (create a life vision that thrills, energizes and delights me)
  • Remodel outdated belief systems about what I get to be, do and have in my life  
  • Uncovering subconscious imprints that are limiting me (heal the root of cyclical patterns)
  • Improve my lifestyle habits, energy and stress levels
  • Gain confidence & clarity on my path ahead and believe I can achieve what I put my mind to
  • Get unstuck and gain forward momentum on my goals
  • Set and hold healthy boundaries within all relationships
  • Heal my inner child and make peace with my past
  • Break free from ruminating thoughts of the past or worrisome thoughts for the future.. aka become more present
  • Activate a greater sense of purpose and passion in my life
  • Find forgiveness towards those who've hurt me so I can move forward
  • Improve my relationship with alcohol (or any other habit that doesn't help me)
  • Get into the most vibrant health and fitness of my life, feeling confident in my body!
  • Support through my spiritual awakening or dark night of the soul
  • Support healing from a break up / rejection / betrayal or abuse
  • Healing "not enough" syndrome and stop giving a flying f8ck what people think about me who have nothing to do with my life
  • Look back on my life on my deathbed and think "damn, that was a really awesome life" feeling proud and content with the choices made

Remember, how you see yourself in the world (both consciously and unconsciously), is a direct reflection of what you’ll draw to you, as evidence to support that perception.

If you want better manifestations, it has to start with who you are BEING right now and your belief systems. In our 1:1 work together, we wire into your subconscious new belief systems that will soon permeate out into an elevated outer reality.

You have the power to shift, change and elevate your perception of self. This is how a paradigm shift originates; from our own state of consciousness & our perceived identity.

ps. Outside of the 1:1 coaching calls, my private clients get voxer audio support where we voice memo and/or text back and forth as much as needed throughout the week. That means they get support in REAL time and don't have to wait weeks for receiving support, having their situation witnessed and feeling deeply cared about... and from there, with mentoring, they gain courage and confidence to move through whatever they may face.

Coordinate a 15 minute chat here

Xo Christine 


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